Delaware Community Training Events
Learn new skills. Give life-changing support.
There are people in our community who struggle with mental health or a substance use disorder.
To help make our communities better for those who need help, Delaware offers two monthly training events. These events teach passionate community members like you how to get involved and empower others to overcome their challenges.

Why should I help?
When we help each other, the entire community benefits. Struggles with mental health and substance use disorder affect more Delawareans than ever before. It’s only with an attitude of compassion, understanding, and willingness to help that we can create a better community for all.
The skills you learn at community training events will stay with you long after the classes are over, empowering you to be more empathetic and action-oriented in your everyday life. You’ll be ready to break down barriers for others to access the help they need.
With your help, recovery is always possible.
How can I get involved?
Community training events cover two topics: Anti-Stigma and Mental Health First Aid.
Anti-Stigma: Removing the Stigma of Substance Use Disorder or Addiction
You’ll learn to intervene wherever you see the stigma of addiction, and correct misinformation and negative attitudes.
This training has three main objectives:
- Understand the role of stigma and its effect on substance use disorder, as well as how it can hinder someone’s wellness and recovery journey.
- Describe the impact of shame and stigma on the individual and family/caregivers. You will learn examples of someone living with a chronic brain disease, the risk factors, and how it may interfere personally and socially.
- Eliminate judgments and negative attitudes toward someone with a substance use disorder or addiction. You’ll learn to remove stigmas and avoid potential triggers.
Upcoming Anti-Stigma Events
Mental Health First Aid: Putting Mental Health First
Mental health first aid is the initial help offered to someone developing a mental health disorder or having a crisis. First aid is given until professional treatment and support are provided or the crisis is resolved.
The goal of this course is to create awareness and provide high-level tools to families, caregivers, and community members. When the course is completed, you’ll receive a mental health first aid certification.
Upcoming Mental Health First Aid Events